- Pre-schoolers require their mum’s attention once every four minutes.
- An adult body contains enough blood to satisfy 1,200,000 mosquitoes. (Good news, eh?)
- The golden-clawed male prawn puts all his energy into fighting off other males. If he wins, he then turns into a blue-clawed male, and puts all his energy into mating.
- Pearls melt in vinegar.
- If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound-energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it!)
- If you break wind consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atom bomb. (Now that’s more like it!)
- Thinking in a foreign language makes decisions more rational.
- The worldwide “fewest people per square kilometre” award goes to … not Siberia … not the Sahara Desert … but Canada!
- Just 2% of people who read this list will try to melt a pearl in vinegar.